Grape-growing and wine-making have been traditional for the region ever since Thracian times. Many ancient authors have praised the Thracian wine, and the recipe has been passed from father to son for generations... This is what I was inspired by! Edoardo Miroglio

Safety and comfort

Rules and measures for COVID 19

Dear guests, our team is ready to welcome you in a mode of enhanced standards for cleaning and hygiene, as well as a solution to the health distance. In connection with the Orders of the Ministry of Health, all guests and visitors of the hotel, restaurant, spa and conference hall must provide a valid Green Certificate, a certificate of illness or a negative test – all conducted on time and according to the requirements of the Ministry of Health. In the name of general safety, we address you with the following recommendations: Follow the rules for personal disinfection; Keep a distance of at least 1.5 m indoors or outdoors with people who are not members of your family / household; Wear additional face masks in indoor public areas of the hotel; Familiarize yourself with the COVID-19 Safety Rules and follow the signs on the hotel premises; After using disposable packaging and materials / consumables, dispose of them in the landfill immediately after use; In case of headache, cough, over 37.5C ​​degrees and exhaustion of quality, you are assessed at the Hotel Reception by calling without leaving your room; If a coronavirus infection is suspected in a guest, the guest is isolated in a predetermined room. In case of clear signs of use, the hotel management, the medical institution that the hotel has a service contract, the RHI or the Emergency Medical Service are notified. It is possible to be examined in advance by a doctor. The rules for protection of personal data of the guests are strictly observed. On the territory of the hotel there are: Information tables, guiding and reminding rules for the protection of guests and employees, as well as showing how to use protective equipment. Dispensers with disinfectant solution in all common areas for use by guests. Approved disinfectants are used to clean guest rooms, common areas, dining areas, conference rooms and the spa to protect against viral pathogens. In the common areas, we also make maximum use of natural ventilation methods with minimal exceptions, such as the following instructions from the health authorities. Thank you for your understanding!

Copyright © 2014 Edoardo Miroglio - Wine Cellar Elenovo. All rights reserved.